Friday, April 12, 2013

1940s Seagram's V.O. Canadian Whiskey: Candid Camera Color

1940s Seagram's VO Canadian_Candid Camera Color

1940s Seagrams VO Candid Camera Color Men Photo Enlarger     Wally made this series of illustrations for the Seagram Distillers Corporation based out of New York during WWII.  The main dialog of the advertisement touts mankind's progress through the advent of color photography, or at least the ability for the average Joe to develop it in his own home.  For photography enthusiasts, this must have been tremendously exciting.  I remember Grandpa had several enlargers in his basement, where I watched him develop film, cut glass and build frames.  Those were the days.

1940s Seagrams VO Candid Camera Color
I wouldn't normally associate whiskey with photography.  But perhaps it isn't all that unusual.  I'd guess that 90% of all photography on Facebook has involved alcohol in one way or another.  Additionally, it isn't unusual to acknowledge mankind's ability to create fine photography and fine whiskey as "the result of the planning of many men over many years."  

1940s Seagrams VO Candid Camera Color_Group Of Men Drinking

     My modern sentiments would add, of course, that women probably played a larger role in the consumption as well as the developement of whiskey then this agency or era felt it appropriate to acknowledge :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

1943 Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Company

     This illustration for Eureka appeared in the Saturday Evening Post on November 20, 1943.  

1943 Eureka vacuum female gas mask soldier Illustration saturday evening post

    This illustration titled, "To Johnny_ with Love from Mom!" explains that "more than 70% of Eureka's employees are women and they making gas masks, signaling devices, the small but powerful precision control motors vital to our fighting planes."  It's an interesting example of the role crucial role women played at the home front during World War II.  

1943 Eureka vacuum female gas mask soldier Illustration

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1944 Budweiser Advertisement: Ye Olde Melting Pot

     Grandpa made several illustrations for Anheuser Busch's classic in the 1940s and 50s.  In this illustration, "Help Your Community Drives ...and You Help America," the advertising company gives an interesting story about how communities during the colonial period (pre-1776) would contribute to a struggling family by setting up a 'melting pot before the door.'  I have no idea if there is truth to this, but it is an interesting concept.  As a father of two small children, this certainly doesn't sound like the safest of fundraisers a community could think of.

1944 Anheuser - Busch Budweiser Illustration

1944 Budweiser Illustration     According to the advertisement, during WWII, Anheuser - Busch which was based in St. Louis "supplied the armed forces with glider and bomber fuselage frames, wing parts, gun turret parts, foodstuffs, as well as ingredients for the manufacture of rubber, aluminum, munitions, medicines, B complex vitamins, hospital diets, baby foods, bread and other bakery products, vitamin-fortified cattle feeds, batteries, paper soap and textiles" and more.   

     A very impressive list of contributions.  Good thing we passed the 21st Amendment in 1933 :) 

budweiser 1944 bottle